Create the life you choose to live. Ontological coaching and movement practices by Elizabeth Hebert.
Create the life you choose to live. Ontological coaching and movement practices by Elizabeth Hebert.
At its core, ontology is about self observation. Learning to have awareness about your actions, language, emotions, interpretations, and body, and what is the driver behind them. Many times we are operating from autopilot, granting authority of our own lives to someone, or something, other than ourselves. In our sessions I facilitate your own self awareness of what is driving you, which gives you the personal power to make changes in your life that you choose.
As humans, we live from three primary domains; language, emotions, and body. Our own personal history, experiences, and cultural narratives shape the expression of these domains.
Language, we claim, is not descriptive, but generative. We do not describe how things “are”, but how we interpret them. Through utilization of the language acts, we have the tools and capability to generate the context of our lives.
“Language was the first technology of humans, but like other technologies not fully understood, people thought it was merely a tool for describing the world, and didn’t know it was a tool for creating it”
- Walter Truett Anderson, The Future of the Self
Humans are emotional beings, and emotions are always part of us. We may fluctuate between many throughout one day, but we also have one that is in the background, unaware to us, that is shaping not only how we view the world, but also our languaging about it, and the engagement we have with those around us.
In regards to our body, there is the biochemistry of what is happening internally. This can be shaped by how we take care of ourselves physically with exercise and nutrition, and any illness or chronic disease states we my have. Emotions can also show up externally in our bodies, and have an affect on what is, or is not, available to us in any instance.
The intersection of language, emotion, and body is what we call our Way of Being. In a coaching session, I am coaching to your Way of Being. It is the uniqueness of ontology and addressing all three areas simultaneously, that allows for shifts to occur in a realistic and practical way.
“A coach is someone who is able to observe and intervene in the ways people act so that they can take full advantage of their competence and talent in a chosen field” - Rafael Echeverria
The following are quotes from my mentor, Alan Sieler about what it means to be an ontological coach:
“Coaching to Way of Being has a central concern to enhance how people can take more effective action in their lives.”
“Coaching to Way of Being is an inquiry into the nature of human existence, about working with people to support them to observe differently and take different actions that enhance the quality of their existence. Supporting people in the art of effective living, and as such, seeks to support people developing and recapturing meaning and fulfillment in their lives”
My purpose in our sessions is to assist, support, and guide you through self observation and awareness, to the realization that you have the power to control the quality of your journey. To empower you to create the life you choose.